Saturday, 29 November 2008

Hare Krishna!

"Sometimes Indians both inside and outside of India think that we are preaching the Hindu religion, but actually we are not. People should not think that we are preaching a sectarian religion. No. We are simply preaching how to love God. We are giving a spiritual culture that can solve all the problems of life, and therefore it is being accepted all over the world."

Srila Prabhupada
The Science of Self-realization

I am rereading The Science of Self-realization after first picking it up when I was at primary school (I was far too young to appreciate the importance of the writings). This quote really jumped out at me as I'd forgotten that even the term "Hindu" never appears in Vedic literature. Hindu has been introduced by Muslims; there is a river called Sindhu bordering north western India, and since Muslims there could not pronounce Sindhu properly, they instead called both the river and inhabitants of the surrounding land Hindu. Therefore Hindu is a name given by the Muslims and to call a vast range of people with different beliefs under one name is not relevant anymore.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Maths Challenge!

Today I accompanied some post-16 students to Sheffield Hallam University on a Team maths challenge (of all things!). The journey started off unsteadily- one student didn't turn up on time and I ended up sending another to find her. Luckily she finally arrived and we went on our way. Today the weather was pretty mild and even sunny in a chilly way. I enjoyed the drive to the university (mostly because I wasn't driving and I could soak up the scenery on the way). It was pretty idyllic, especially with pheasants running around and seeing christmas trees on the back of a truck.

I was mesmorised by a beautiful rainbow which appeared before the rain did. I have not lost that childlike wonder when I see a rainbow, it never fails to make me feel like something good is going to happen. The students were pretty quiet on the way there so I was left to my thoughts which was a pleasant change to usual school trips. I suspect mobile phones and Ipods can lead to them becoming a little antisocial.

Anyway we got there with no hassle (minus a bit of a messy episode where Hallam reception claimed to not be aware of any maths event). My lot were a little nervous when walking into a hall full of unfamiliar students from other schools, but settled pretty well. I knew immediately which group would win as they were definitely dressed for success in smartly pressed uniforms. In a funny twist of fate all teachers were told they'd be marking and monitoring different groups; I ended up with that group. They were a lovely bunch of lads: polite, respectful, committed and real team players. They did deserve to win and it felt good to see them get into the final which will be in London.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Music for the soul

I am ashamed to say I haven't really listened to many kirtans/ bhajans, and am currently entranced by AKS (As Kindred Spirits). Their album called Nectar of Devotion is so beautiful I cannot listen to it enough. I particularly love Hey Gopal and Vaishnava Thakura. I have never felt so moved before, all I can say is listen for yourself and see what you think.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Petals & Reflections

The water is murky today
I may never get it still,
I attempt to keep it pure
But I don't think I ever will.

The petals appear to be something of beauty;
But can be distracting.
Will I manage to fulfil my duty?
I must continue trying...

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Mahabharata on DVD!

I am getting to the Krishna Leela part of the Mahabharata on DVD. Anyone who used to watch the series in the nineties on the BBC will understand how wonderful it was. I think the casting of the characters has been timeless (particularly Mukesh Khanna as Bhishma), and despite some of the effects seeming dated now; it is still just as watchable.

I must now go and watch it, what a wonderful Sunday!

Saturday, 22 November 2008


I seem to have accumulated a mass of stuff that I have hoarded 'in case it might be useful'. It has got to the point that I feel drained by all the clutter. I would rather clear up the things that no longer interest me and pass them on to people who would make use of them. I think I need to organise it all as there is a lot that could go to charity shops and surgery/ hospital waiting rooms.

My parents have this beautiful orchid that has really blossomed lately and it really makes me marvel at how well it looks. I am struck by the lovely subtle colours of the petals and it is nice to have some brightness on such a cold winter day.

I suppose I ought to stop procrastinating and get on with my purging session now!

Friday, 21 November 2008

Another chance

"The person whose mind is always free from attachment, who has subdued the mind and senses, and who is free from desires, attains the supreme perfection of freedom from Karma through renunciation." Bhagavad Gita

The last six months have been difficult to say the least, and I had become preoccupied with my health and generally dissatisfied with life. The root of my unhappiness has been unclear and I always thought it was the tiredness from Lupus. Yesterday afternoon I felt as if I finally opened my eyes and realised it wasn't so much my circumstances, but the fact I had lost myself in the materialistic world we live in.

Luckily my aunt had posted me a CD with an MP3 reading of the Bhagavad Gita as it is. I now have a pretty long commute into work so thought it would be perfect to listen to in the car. After rubbing my bloodshot eyes and jumping into my car at six in the morning I never thought the translation of Sri Krishna's words would give me such peace. It is like I was caught up in a murky ocean and have only swum out to see clearly. I have now the strength to cope with my condition, and the slower pace of life lets me focus on Him and I relinquish any fruits of my actions to Him.

I am immediately drawn to a Sattvic diet and after just a short time of chanting the mahamantra feel that I will be alright. I feel no need to pray for anything as I know He will give me strength and just need to learn to still my mind and free myself from becoming entangled again in materialism. Today has been a good day and I hope I can learn more and raise my consciousness as I feel very ignorant right now.